Refreshed Main menu
Menu with a Fresh Look.
Distraction-free with no ads or news in sight.
Different background each time you return.
Compatible with game version 1.111.102.
Modular Backgrounds
Mix and match backgrounds to suit your style.

Redesigned Scenarios Icon
Clean new look for the Scenarios button.
Quick Access to News
Simply press “S” to instantly view the latest game news.

Animated logo
Spinning plumbob for an extra touch.
Background Re-Rolling
Press “R” to switch to a different background on the fly.
No More DLC Alerts
Store tab stays alert-free, even without owning all DLCs.
Install the base
Put the RefreshedMainMenu_ BASE.package file in your Mods folder. This file is required for the mod to work.
How to install
Choose the backgrounds
Choose the backgrounds you want from the Backgrounds folder. Previews with names are listed below.
Choose the optional files
In the OPTIONAL folder, you will find the optional files for the animated game logo and the custom Scenarios button icon.
Support me on Patreon
Your contribution provides you with Early Access
to my latest content and supports the creation of my work.
available backgrounds

Refreshed Main menu
Menu with a Fresh Look.
Distraction-free with no ads or news in sight.
Different background each time you return.
Compatible with game version 1.109.207.
Modular Backgrounds
Mix and match backgrounds to suit your style.
Quick Access to News
Simply press “S” to instantly view the latest game news.
Background Re-Rolling
Press “R” to switch to a different background on the fly.

Redesigned Scenarios Icon
Clean new look for the Scenarios button.

Animated logo
Spinning plumbob for an extra touch.
No More DLC Alerts
Store tab stays alert-free, even without owning all DLCs.
How to install
Install the base
Put the RefreshedMainMenu_ BASE.package file in your Mods folder. This file is required for the mod to work.
Choose the backgrounds
Choose the backgrounds you want from the Backgrounds folder. Previews with names are listed below.
Choose the optional files
In the OPTIONAL folder, you will find the optional files for the animated game logo and the custom Scenarios button icon.
Support me on Patreon
Your contribution provides you with Early Access
to my latest content and supports the creation of my work.
available backgrounds